marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Questions Options Criteria

Question Which interface do you choose?
Option Keyboard interface; Carousel interface; Morse code interface.
Criteria The keyboard interface is very intuitive for the user. The Carousel interface displays each letter in a big size, but is slow. The Morse code is relatively easy to learn, after a short period of accommodation user will be  able to input text very quick. The disadvantage for the Morse interface may be that the patient must use his both eyes.

Used design paterns

Welcome window:

 Blank Slate – The user gets started with help or by getting a feel of how
the application will feel when fully in function and filled with data;
 Module Tabs – Used because there is not enough space on the screen
to show all of the content inside all tabs.

Patient interface:

Presentation slides

History for nurse

When the nurse presses the History button a new window appears where the user can visualize text that the patient wrote. 
  1. List box with the date when the patient wrote and saved text. The nurse can chose one and see other details in the list box below;
  2. List box with all the text that the patient wrote, and the hour;
  3. Back button, returns to nurse interface;
  4. Delete button, deletes the history from the selected day;
  5. Deletes all history;
  6. Exit button, closes the application.

History for patient

When the patient selects the History button a new window appears. Form here he/she can select one of the files where the text that was written in a day was saved. This helps the patient to express itself more quickly.

  1. List box with the date when the patient wrote and saved text. The patient can chose one and see other details in the list box below by blinking when the desired file is highlighted. Every file is highlighted starting from top to bottom for a period of 2 seconds. After a file has been chosen the patient can navigate in the menu below in the same manner, the buttons will be highlighted, and the patient has to blink when desired button is selected;
  2. List box with all the text that the patient wrote, and the hour;
  3. Edit button, returns to the interface where the patient can edit the text;
  4. Return button, returns to the list box with history;
  5. Deletes the selected file;
  6. Deletes all history;
  7. Returns to the interface, without having a file selected to edit.

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