vineri, 10 iunie 2011


Main Menu

1.      Question/Answer mode – This mode is used when the nurse wants to ask questions to the patient for which he would answer with “yes” or “no”.
2.      Patient mode – This mode is used by the patient to communicate with others by using his eyelids (blinking).
3.      View messages – Here the nurse can see the messages saved by the patient, along with their corresponding date and time.
4.      Quit – Exits the application.

Question/Answer Mode – Writing the question

1.      Text input – The place where the nurse writes the message.
2.      Finish – The nurse presses this button after the writing of the message is finished.

Question/Answer Mode – Answering the question

1.      Text viewer – The place where the pacient can read the message written by the nurse.
2.      Yes button – The pacient presses this button to answer “yes” to the nurse’s question.
3.      No button – The pacient presses this button to answer “no” to the nurse’s question.
4.      Something else button – The pacient presses this button when the answer to the nurse’s question is other than “yes” or “no”.
5.      New button – This button can be used by the nurse only, when the nurse wants to submit a new question.

Patient Mode

1.      Text input – The place where the message that is written by the patient will appear.
2.      Autoscroll checkbox – By selecting this option, the current button will change without the need of a blink.
3.      Space button – Inserts the Space character.
4.      Backspace button – Removes the last character entered.
5.      Speech checkbox – By selecting this option, a voice will be heard saying which button was selected.
6.      Keyboard with letters and numbers
7.      Menu button – By pressing this button, the patient will be able to access the menu of the Patient Mode.

When the Patient selects the “Menu” button a new window appears as its shown in the image below.

Options Menu

The user selects the desired button in the same manner as typing a text; it has to perform short blink until it reaches the button, then a long blink and the button is selected. The current button is highlighted.

  1. The “Save” button stores everything that the patient wrote, into the History;
  2. The “History” button opens a new window from where the user can manipulate the recorded files;
  3. The “Send sms” button opens a new window for the user to select a contact and send an sms;
  4. The “Speech” button enables/disables the speech feature. When this feature is enabled each time the user selects a key the name of its pronounced;
  5. The “Auto scroll” button enables/disables auto scroll. When the auto scroll feature is enabled the keyboard buttons become highlighted one by one, when the desired key becomes highlighted the user has to blink in order to select it;
  6. The “Close” button exits from the menu and returns to the Text editor.

When the patient selects the “History” button from the Option Menu the following window appears, as it’s shown in the image bellow:


The user performs short blinks until it reaches the desired file and selected it’s by performing a long blink. The current file is highlighted and the file that has been selected remains highlighted. After that the patient can choose one of the buttons in the same manner. The current button is highlighted.

  1. The list with the messages that the patient saved;
  2. The “Edit” button returns to the Text editor whit the text from the selected file;
  3. The “Return” button lets the user to choose another file in the manner explained before;
  4. The “Delete” button deletes the selected file from the History;
  5. The “Delete all” button deletes all the files from the History;
  6. The “Close” button exits from the History and returns to the Text editor.

When the “Send sms” button from the Option Menu is chosen the following window appears, as it’s shown in the image bellow:

Contact list

The user performs short blinks until it reaches the desired contact and selected it’s by performing a long blink. The current contact is highlighted and the contact that has been selected remains highlighted. After that the patient can choose one of the buttons in the same manner. The current button is highlighted.

  1. The contact list;
  2. The “Send message” sends to the selected contact a sms with the text from the Text editor;
  3. The “Close” button exits from the Contact list and returns to the Text editor.
When the Nurse selects the “View messages” button from Home, a new window appears, as shown bellow:

   View messages

The nurse can access this window by using the touch screen feature. To select one of these messages it simply touches the desired one and a new window containing the whole message will appear.

  1. List containing the messages that the patient wrote and saved.
When the Nurse selects the “View messages” button from Home, a new window appears, as shown bellow:


  1. The text that the patient wrote and saved;
  2. The “Ok” button returns to the View messages.

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