When the patient selects the History button a new window appears. Form here he/she can select one of the files where the text that was written in a day was saved. This helps the patient to express itself more quickly.
- List box with the date when the patient wrote and saved text. The patient can chose one and see other details in the list box below by blinking when the desired file is highlighted. Every file is highlighted starting from top to bottom for a period of 2 seconds. After a file has been chosen the patient can navigate in the menu below in the same manner, the buttons will be highlighted, and the patient has to blink when desired button is selected;
- List box with all the text that the patient wrote, and the hour;
- Edit button, returns to the interface where the patient can edit the text;
- Return button, returns to the list box with history;
- Deletes the selected file;
- Deletes all history;
- Returns to the interface, without having a file selected to edit.
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