marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Questions Options Criteria

Question Which interface do you choose?
Option Keyboard interface; Carousel interface; Morse code interface.
Criteria The keyboard interface is very intuitive for the user. The Carousel interface displays each letter in a big size, but is slow. The Morse code is relatively easy to learn, after a short period of accommodation user will be  able to input text very quick. The disadvantage for the Morse interface may be that the patient must use his both eyes.

Used design paterns

Welcome window:

 Blank Slate – The user gets started with help or by getting a feel of how
the application will feel when fully in function and filled with data;
 Module Tabs – Used because there is not enough space on the screen
to show all of the content inside all tabs.

Patient interface:

Presentation slides

History for nurse

When the nurse presses the History button a new window appears where the user can visualize text that the patient wrote. 
  1. List box with the date when the patient wrote and saved text. The nurse can chose one and see other details in the list box below;
  2. List box with all the text that the patient wrote, and the hour;
  3. Back button, returns to nurse interface;
  4. Delete button, deletes the history from the selected day;
  5. Deletes all history;
  6. Exit button, closes the application.

History for patient

When the patient selects the History button a new window appears. Form here he/she can select one of the files where the text that was written in a day was saved. This helps the patient to express itself more quickly.

  1. List box with the date when the patient wrote and saved text. The patient can chose one and see other details in the list box below by blinking when the desired file is highlighted. Every file is highlighted starting from top to bottom for a period of 2 seconds. After a file has been chosen the patient can navigate in the menu below in the same manner, the buttons will be highlighted, and the patient has to blink when desired button is selected;
  2. List box with all the text that the patient wrote, and the hour;
  3. Edit button, returns to the interface where the patient can edit the text;
  4. Return button, returns to the list box with history;
  5. Deletes the selected file;
  6. Deletes all history;
  7. Returns to the interface, without having a file selected to edit.

Configuration menu for nurse

When the Nurse type of user is selected, from the Welcome window, an interface for this type of user appears. The interface helps this user to see what the patient wrote, to understand its needs and to follow the patient physically and mentally evolution.
The interface has an option section, where the layout of the patient interface can be set.

  1. PETI logo, and the application’s name;
  2. List box that shows the messages that the patient wrote that day, and the hour when the messages were saved;
  3. Save button, it saves the messages from the list box into the history;
  4. Back button, returns to the Welcome page;
  5. Shows all recorded messages;
  6. Changes the font size;
  7. Selects if in the patient interface the camera view should appear;
  8. Enables/Disables the sound effects, when the patient selects buttons;
  9. Selects if in the patient interface the menu is permanently showed, or it disappears when is not used for more space for the keyboard;
  10. Selects the type of keyboard;
  11. Exit button, closes the application.

Autocomplete feature

  1. a list with words starting with the letters the user has already typed
  2. if autocomplete feature is turned on, this  new button will appear within this list,  only when selected the user can iterate through the list of suggested words.       

Input text using Morse code

It’s a very simple way to input  words/sentences by blinking using the “MORSE CODE”

  1. the first field is used for showing the text introduced by the user an image that shows patient face, and shows if the  software identifies if his both eyes  are blinking correctly
  2. a table that  shows to create words by blinking (R – blink right eye, L – blink left eye). In time if the patient learns Morse code, the table can be hidden, thus text area becomes bigger;
  3. the options menu, is accessed by forming ESC. To access one of the buttons the patient must blink while the desired button is highlighted.

Second wireframe - carousel

This  interface is very easy to use because of the simplicity of the interface and because it displays all the letters in the  frequency/alphabetical order.

1. Helps the user to see what he rights ,this interface can be very helpful for the patience’s that have bad eye site because the writing is displayed  in a very large format.

2. The number 2 box it’s an image displayed by the camera to verify if the software can identify the patience’s eye.

3. This will show some letters that will be selected by patience   by blinking. The first  tree  buttons to select will always be switch, space and back. Switch will take you to the menu number 4, the other letters can be selected on how to be shown, alphabetical or by frequencies order.

4. This menu can be utilized to:
  • new-send you back to writing;
  • save- saves the text in history, and can be used later if the sentence/word is used frequent
  • speak- its helpful because it rights out what  the patience write
  • history- in this it’s a folder where there are saved sentences or words that can be selected by a blink of an eye.

First wireframe

In the following we present three interface controlled by eye blinking that could make life easier for paralyzed people. 
In this case the patient can write words using a virtual keyboard where the letters are sorted by their frequencies.

  1. a text area  , it is used for showing the text introduced by the user
  2. an image that shows patient face, and shows if the  software identifies  his eye blinking correctly 
  3. the virtual keyboard used for writing words/sentences by the patient. The characters are sorted by their appearance in the English vocabulary.  The client can iterate through the buttons (from left to right) with an eye blink, starting with the button from upper-left corner, the letter which is to be selected is highlighted, if the user stops blinking for 2 seconds, the highlighted character is  selected. First button (MENU) is  to jump to the menu from the bottom of the screen.
  4.       the options menu is a floating menu  which contains the following commands:
    o   RETURN – get back to text writing;
    o   SAVE – the everything from the  text area is stored into history;
    o   NEW – begin a new message and clear the text area, if the text was  not saved before then,  the  user will be warned and he cancel / confirm the command;
    o   SUGGEST –  turn on/off a feature that  helps user to finish words automatically in page 6 is shown in a wireframe with this feature activated;
    o   HISTORY – it’s a folder that contains sentences saved by user;
    o   EXIT – exit from the application.
    To select one of the buttons, the patient must follow the same rules.  

The welcome screen

When the application is started, a welcome page is displayed. This contains information about PETI and how to use the application. For a better understanding, there is a demo movie that presents to the users how the application can be used.

 Also, from here is selected the type of user, patient or nurse. The welcome page cannot be manipulated by the patient.

  1. PETI Logo and a welcome message;
  2. Module tabs. Used for showing information about the application and how it should be used;
  3. A demo movie that presents how the application is to be used;
  4. Buttons for selecting the type of current user;
  5. Exit button that closes the application.


The project that we chose is named Patient Eye Tracking Interface and the idea of it is:

Due to the large number of patients with various motor and speech impediments or paralysis, the medical staff has developed a system that helps them communicate with these kinds of patients. The system is based on the movement of a patient's eyes and eyelids. For example, the medical staff wants to determine where the pain is on a patient's body. The patients using eye or eyelid movement can answer a series of questions addressed by the medical staff.
The medical staff needs a team of developers to propose an implementation of this system on a mobile device: tablet or Smartphone.

We  are trying to create a program that can go past yes and no answers(ex: blink once means yes, blinking twice means no); we know from our  experience that some questions can be answered so easily (ex: Who are you?/Where are you from?/Where does it hurt?/What do you need ?/Can you describe the pain?/Was somebody  with you at the time of the accident?(Who?)/How do you feel?). We know that more accurate answers can help some procedures, and it may save time , and we know that  some surgical procedure are time sensitive.

We think that giving that patient a larger set of words may shorten the time to solve some problems and even create an easier way for patients to communicate with other people.

The program is developed by using Morse code and eyelid movement algorithm, by blinking in a sequence that the patient can write words and even sentences. At first, this may prove to be difficult but if the patient learns the Morse code it is a very easy way to communicate words. The interface over time can save words or phrases and that simplifies the use for the patient, over time the user can select the word without using the interface of writing.

For people that don’t prefer this way of communicating we develop another way of writing words  by blinking; we have a sequence of letters that is displayed over a panel  and the patient can pick letter by letter to create words. A solution to simplify some problems related to time we try to develop a library that may auto-complete some words which he may try to use, idea that could save time on writing words .

We all read some documentation about this subject and as far as we came across we didn’t come pass this idea, so we think that this is something that may work even in real life, which is the reason that we started this project. 

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